As soon as filmmaker Mahesh Bhatt announced on Twitter that the shooting of Emraan Hashmi-Esha Gupta starrer Jannat 2 has commenced in Delhi, fans discovered the shooting location and thronged the venue creating a stampede-like situation. If sources are to be believed, police resorted to lathi charge to control the mob.
Mahesh BhattKunal Deshmukh, the director of the film, too thinks that the crowd creates problem while shooting. “Delhi is a beautiful city to shoot in as it has a character of its own. The culture and history of this city adds to the shooting experience. The only hindrance would be the maddening crowd that gathers at the film shoot,” says Deshmukh, who made his directing debut with Jannat in 2008. He adds, “It is completely set in Delhi and revolves around gun culture in North India.”
Emraan Hashmi will again play the lead in the sequel while Esha has replaced Sonal Chauhan as the female lead. Other prominent cast members include Randeep Hooda and theatre actor Imran Zahid, who is making his debut in the movie as a cop.
The films tells the story of a man who wants to make it big in life. The team started shooting on Oct 8 and will be here for a month, shooting in Old and Central Delhi.
Mahesh BhattKunal Deshmukh, the director of the film, too thinks that the crowd creates problem while shooting. “Delhi is a beautiful city to shoot in as it has a character of its own. The culture and history of this city adds to the shooting experience. The only hindrance would be the maddening crowd that gathers at the film shoot,” says Deshmukh, who made his directing debut with Jannat in 2008. He adds, “It is completely set in Delhi and revolves around gun culture in North India.”
Emraan Hashmi will again play the lead in the sequel while Esha has replaced Sonal Chauhan as the female lead. Other prominent cast members include Randeep Hooda and theatre actor Imran Zahid, who is making his debut in the movie as a cop.
The films tells the story of a man who wants to make it big in life. The team started shooting on Oct 8 and will be here for a month, shooting in Old and Central Delhi.